TCS NQT Questions and Guidelines

🎧 TCS NQT Questions and Guidelines

The TCS NQT exam is a journey that begins several months before the actual exam. We want to bring to you success stories so that you can learn from them. Enriched with our own expertise, here is a success story from Bangalore.

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TCS NQT Percentages

One of the type of problems is from percentages regarding a person who is purchasing from a shopkeeper. If the price of a product is increased, the person can buy a different amount. In such a scenario, what was the original price of the product? Questions like these will require us to consider a variable. I often thought about what kind of variable should I consider? Should I consider 100a or a? Often considering large numbers will make it easy during calculations. I do not like to handle fractions. So, considering such large numbers like 100a helped me eliminate fractions. But towards the end of such problems, I had to deal with fractions. I had to find how much less of the product the person could buy now. Then comparing the value given with my variable, I could find the original price of the product. It took me a few minutes to solve this problem. But I knew I had to be faster. I knew I wanted to be one of the toppers in the TCS NQT exam. So, I wanted to increase my speed. I changed the numbers in this problem and practice more to improve my time. I found with more complex numbers I was taking more time to solve the questions. I tried to improve my speed with fractions. I gradually improved my speed. It is possible to solve such problems in a minute. With enough practice we can even solve with complex numbers very fast. I wanted to be ready with any kind of percentage problems in the TCS NQT exam.

Read more: TCS NQT Experience »

Follow Smart Aptitude Techniques to Crack TCS NQT
Follow Smart Aptitude Techniques to Crack TCS NQT

TCS NQT Spatial Reasoning

Spatial reasoning is important skill set. I learnt this when I had to deal with different shapes and figures. A semi-circle may be given to us. Another smaller semi-circle can be given to us. These two semi circles might have common points. We might be asked to find the ratio of the length of the arcs of these semi circles. The length may be formed by 1 semicircle or by combining parts of both the semi circles. In such cases, we need to be aware of the formula of the perimeter of a semicircle. Without the knowledge of the formula, it will be very difficult. We have to apply the formula for both the bigger and smaller semi circles. Then on comparing them both, we will get the resulting ratio. The figures might look very complex initially. But if we try to provide the names to each of the points, it will look manageable. I learned this while working with various shapes. Initially I found these figures very complex. We can also breakdown these figures into smaller figures. Then many of these figures will look familiar to us. I realized I had to remember the formulas of most of the common shapes and sizes. I tried to make notes of them and revise them daily. I realized if I forgot one formula, I may not be able to answer a question in the TCS NQT exam.

Keep reading: TCS NQT Aptitude Questions »

TCS NQT Permutation, Combination

There can be problems of permutation and combination where one member might not be wanting to be the part of a group with another member. In such cases, we have to find how many different combinations of the group can be formed. Knowledge of permutation and combination is important for the TCS NQT exam. The number of scenarios can be infinite. There is no end to the possibilities of what question will come in the TCS NQT final exam. I realized my best bet is to prepare very well. To make the problem trickier, I added one more member who does not want to be part of the group with one more member. This made the problem very hard and it took me a long time to finish. But I reminded myself of the time constraints of the TCS NQT exam. I tried to improve my speed on these problems. I tried to apply the formulas of permutation and combination very fast. I wanted to make sure I did not forget these formulas under pressure. I always had this situation where I forgot many formulas when under pressure. I tried to create an exam like scenario at my home and practice rigorously. It helped me cope with time pressure. I wanted to simulate the TCS NQT exam as much as I could.

Keep on reading: TCS NQT Aptitude Guide »

TCS NQT Averages

A very important topic in the TCS NQT exam is averages. For example, if the average marks in a subject of all girls is given and all boys is given, we have to find the overall average marks in another subject for the same class without knowing how many boys and how many girls are there. In such cases we have to assume the number of boys to be a variable and the number of girls to be another variable. Then for the subject where the overall average marks is given, we have to form an equation so that we get a relation between these two variables. Then for the subject for which the overall average marks we have to find out, if we frame our equation and apply the relation between these variables, we will be able to find out the overall average marks for this subject. Initially it can sound overwhelming where many of the values we required or not given. It can seem how will I be able to solve this problem? How can I find the overall average marks without knowing how many numbers of students are there? If I take a variable, what will happen if these variables do not cancel out at the end? Will considering a variable make any sense to the logics of this problem? All these are very valid questions. Only with lot of practice can we become more confident to handle such scenarios. It is important to be able to confidently solve most of the problems related to percentages, combinations, and averages. These are some of the most common topics of questions in the TCS NQT exam.

TCS NQT Number System

Problems on number system can be a variety of types. What is the least 4-digit number when divided by 3, 4, 5 and 6 leaves remainder 2 in each case? I recollected the concepts of LCM and HCF which I have learned earlier. Lowest common multiple. I had to find the lowest common multiple of 3, 4, 5 and 6. To find the least 4-digit number I have to find a multiple of this LCM. So I kept on multiplying this LCM with various values incrementally. On reaching 17, I reached the desired number. Hence the required number I found was 1022. Problems on numbers system are very important for the TCS NQT exam, especially the rules of divisibility. Most of the questions that I have come across so far, many of them focus on divisibility. Directly or indirectly, divisibility comes into the play. So, I made sure I was aware of the divisibility rules of at least the first several natural numbers. This made be more confident that I would be able to solve problems in the number system when divisibility is directly or indirectly related. I also tried to find LCM and HCF values faster. Finding the LCM of more complex and bigger numbers took me more time. I tried to find and implement shortcuts, tricks and techniques that I can apply to reduce my time. After all, I wanted to be very fast and efficient during the TCS NQT exam.

TCS NQT Seating Arrangements

Another category with regards to permutation and combination is related to seating arrangements. Let’s say there are five people with give names sitting in a row. One person is sitting to the right of another person. Two other person have two people sitting between them. Now we can be presented with various options from which we have to choose the correct answer. The option can be like someone is sitting at the end of one row. We have to answer if this is a correct statement. Another option can be this person is sitting beside that person. Another option can be like this person or that person is at the end of one row. So, from these options we have to figure out which ones are true. Ideally, the process to solve such a problem is to write down the names. Then try to rearrange them as per the given logics. After rearranging and a few iterations, we will be able to figure out the seating arrangement. Then we will be able to answer these questions. We will be able to easily identify which answer is correct and which answer is false. Many of the time, some of the options can be seen confusing. It will appear that this is also true, and that is also true. Only with a lot of practice can be able to quickly solve such types of problems in a limited amount of time in the NQT exam. Such types of problems might not need lot of mathematical calculations, but it is important to be able to logically analyze them.

TCS NQT Probability

Probability is always a favorite topic for the TCS NQT exam interviewers. Let’s say a bag contains 6 sticks of various lengths. We draw 3 sticks at random. What is the probability that we can form a triangle with those sticks? Questions such as these will require us to be able to understand all the triangle formulas. Along with knowing the triangle formulas, we should also be able to apply the probability logics on them. On solving these problems, we will be able to find that the required probability can be a fraction value like 1/4. The important thing is to know how to select a length and then accordingly be able to select the other two sides of the triangle. In how many ways can we draw 3 straws from 6 straws? The problem can be made more complex if we add different colors to each of the straws. I wanted to be able to solve all these kinds of problems. We can make the problem more complex if we add these straws in different bags instead of 1 bag. Instead of simple straws, we can add dice or some different objects as well to make it seem more complex.

TCS NQT Number Series

An interesting type of problem in the TCS NQT exam can be related to number series. A sequence of numbers may be given and we have to predict the missing number or the next number. Most of the time these numbers will increase by a particular value. But this may not always be the case. The numbers might increase sequentially, but by values of another series. Thus, it becomes a series within a series. Often it may also be it increases by the value of increment of the other series. The increment can also be squares of the numbers of the other series. Instead of a square, it can be the square and then another figure added to the square. In such cases, it becomes increasingly difficult to find a pattern of the series. However, with a lot of practice we will be able to figure out such patterns. Number series are one of the most interesting types of problems. They look very simple but are hard to interpret. I loved playing with numbers series problems. I knew I could not lose this opportunity to lose marks in number series problems. The TCS NQT exam was very important for me. I wanted to give it my best and so I prepared hard for the number series problems. I often created different series of my own. I eventually realized there can be a number of possible combinations and it is not possible to practice all of them.

TCS NQT Ranking Problems

The TCS NQT exam also evaluates on general conceptions of ranking. For example, in a class of students, if one student is at a particular position from the first, then what is his position from the last? The problem can be made more complex if we add rankings for different subjects in the class. The answer can often get tricky in a range of 1 or 2 positions. Sometimes we have to add 1 to the answer we actually think is correct. Sometimes we have to subtract 1 from the answer we actually think is correct. Such types of problems require presence of mind. I realized it is not possible to practice all the scenarios. And that even under pressure, we need to be able to detect these tricky hidden logics. In how many different ways can position problems be asked? It can be in a sports game as well. It can be in a seating arrangement as well. It can be in a birthday party. Or it can be in a workplace. In all these places we can frame and create ranking problems. The ranking can be of various different parameters. But it is important to know that the ranking logics might not be always very simple. We need to be able to solve the logics and then accordingly find the ranks in the limited amount of time. A lot of practice is often helpful to avoid the tricky scenarios and choose the correct answer from the options.

TCS NQT String Problems

In any other type of question, we may be asked to find the character in a particular position of a string. A long string is given with a pattern of repetitive characters. In such a case, it becomes difficult to find the character at a very large number position. We need to be absolutely sure of how the characters are repeating among themselves. Only then can we predict accurately the character at the position which we cannot see. Instead of characters, it can be a mixture of numbers as well as characters. It can also be a series of numbers. The problem can be made more complex with shapes as well. A shape can be rotating with various other shapes or objects inside it. What will it look like after a particular iteration which we cannot see? Pattern recognition thus forms an important part of the TCS NQT exam. We should be able to interpret and logically analyze the data provided to us. Logically interpreting the data and having a clear idea will always help us guess the correct answer. The answers are often confusing and very close to each other. Hence when we are trying to figure out the right one between two narrowed down options, it is important to revisit the original logics. The pattern may give rise to an answer that looks completely different from the original values. But if we understand the pattern correctly, it does not matter how it looks like. We will always confidently be able to choose the correct answer. Being comfortable in series types of problems is thus very helpful for the TCS NQT exam. Since there are multiple questions from the aptitude section, we can easily expect questions from this topic.

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